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Explanation of chemical feeling of love Essays
Explanation of chemical feeling of love Essays Explanation of chemical feeling of love Essay Explanation of chemical feeling of love Essay Essay Topic: Love Medicine The Explanation of Love and Monogamy Among Men Marcel Dante Gearing Ivy Tech Community College On the day of November twenty-seventh, Time Magazine released an article proclaiming to have found the source of human monogamy and love. With a concentration on men, Mall Salivate, the author, proposed that the chemical extinction Is responsible for modern day love. extinction a chemical that Is Influential In the maternal connection created between mother and child, therefore bonding the two emotionally. Time magazine also states that extinction can also make romantic ratters look more attractive than strangers to men, even if both are objectively equally good looking. According to Time Magazines Maim Salivate, monogamy has been a biological mystery for years. Including statistics that project the belief that only 3 percent of mammals are monogamous, and this percentage is weighted by the understanding that simply, males can produce much more offspring by mating with more than one female. To reiterate and clarify the newfound discovery of extinctions abilities, Once men receive extinction, the attractiveness of the partner increases compared to the attractiveness value recorded for other females, says Herculean. Time magazine then states, And the men were not aware that they behaved differently on extinction; in fact, they could not reliably distinguish between it and placebo. They didnt feel high or any craving ? at least as measured by their ratings of their feelings in both conditions. In conclusion of Time Magazines article, Maim Salivate writes that extinction can create unconscious biases towards a personal partner, which in turn would support monogamy and influence more intimate emotional connections. Not only Is extinction lived to develop rose colored glasses, but It also may unconsciously deterring Interest In other potential mates. In the recent article written by Mall Salivate from Time Magazine, proper scientific terminology was applied frequently and eff ectively. Mamas objective seemed to be the assessment of why men committed to monogamy and what could be the source of faithfulness. An article written by Rene Herculean titled, The Promises and Perils of Extinction supports and ferrules these claims with actual research and live testing. The title of the article Itself was not misleading, but It does seem to be order In a particularly noticeable fashion. Rather than strictly stating the topic of the article through the title, it portrayed a more subjective, almost defensive feel. In inquisitive and exciting idea would set the tone for the facts. If the article was designed appeal to the emotional turmoil of those who have suffered from failed monogamy attempts it would cause the readers to become more invested. While becoming anxious for an answer to male faithfulness, readers would then be presented with the scientific results and facts. Using this style of writing, creates motional uproar, but then soothes and calms readers with an answer to their problems. Personally, my believe is that the author of this article presented and informed us readers clearly and intentionally. In regards to the title of the piece, it created some pessimistic assumptions prior to reading this article. Overall, Maim Salivate performed well and informed me of something that I had yet to come across in the world in neuroscience and biology. In conclusion, my approach to writing this article would have been more emotionally involved than what Maim had initiated. My reasoning behind this is my understanding that emotional reading revoke feelings from the past, which in turn gives my article a reservation in the minds of my readers. Also with my version, the title would fit smoothly into the representation of the info I displayed. Within Mamas article, the fact that kissing, and moments of intimacy created extinction inside the brain of males was presented. With this information people that have read this will be more physically involved with their male partner in order to further ensure monogamy. In the future, those that are wholeheartedly convinced by Time Magazines article, How Extinction Makes Men (Almost) Monogamous, will indeed increasingly enforce intimacy within their relationships. I expect people to use the lack of extinction and intimacy to rid themselves of a partner they no longer wish to be involved with. Decreasing the amount of kissing, physical arousal, and intimacy will cause the male partner to receive less extinction, therefore creating an opening for polygamy. RESOURCES Lay Article: How Extinction Makes Men (Almost) Monogamous, Maim Salivate, Time Magazine Article, Novo. 27, 2013 Peer-Reviewed Article: The Promise and Perils of Extinction, Rene Herculean, Article, September, 2012 Lay Article What happens when a man finds the one? His brain gets washed in extinction. The hormone and brain chemical best known for its role in love ? its also responsible for helping infants bond to their mothers ? can also make romantic partners look more attractive than strangers to men, even if both are objectively equally good looking. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study included 40 young men, all of whom had been in a relationship for at least six months and reported being passionately in love with their partners. While in a brain scanner, they either inhaled extinction or placebo via nasal spray while they viewed pictures of either their partners, women they knew but were not dating or women they had never met. The pictures were matched so that comparison women had been rated by independent observers as being equally attractive as the partners. In the men who were given extinction, the pleasure and desire regions of their brains lit up when they saw pictures of the women they loved ? but not when they looked at men knew, but not as strongly as by the pictures of their loved ones, suggesting that it made their partners more desirable. Its really intriguing, says Larry Young, professor of psychiatry at Emory University, in Atlanta, who was not associated with the research. The study is one of the first to show a role for the hormone in human monogamy (prior research revealed similar effects in other mammals). How monogamy works has long been a biological mystery. Sexual monogamy in humans is potentially costly for males, says lead author Dry. Rene Herculean, professor of psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany, explaining that he and his team wanted to understand some of the chemical contributors to the practice. Only 3% of mammals are monogamous, and that small proportion likely reflects the fact that from a simple b iological perspective, it makes little sense for males who could produce far more offspring by mating with multiple females. Once men receive extinction, the attractiveness of the partner increases compared to the attractiveness value recorded for other females, says Herculean. And the men were not aware that they behaved differently on extinction; in fact, they could not reliably distinguish between it and placebo. They didnt feel high or any craving ? at least as measured by their ratings of their feelings in both conditions. It really is very subtle, says Young, noting that the size of the difference between extinction and placebo was small. Whether this is because intranasal extinction doesnt have a powerful effect on the brain or because extinction typically changes behavior without our conscious awareness is not known. What is clear, however, is that extinction can create unconscious biases in favor of a partner, possibly providing part of the biological mechanism behind monogamy. A prior study by the same researchers, in fact, found that men in monogamous relationships who were given extinction actually kept a rater physical distance from an attractive research associate, compared with single men. Young suggests that extinction may actually have a dual effect ? by not only making partners more attractive but also actively deterring interest in other potential mates. He notes that in the monogamous prairie voles he studies, males that have a pair bond can actually be hostile to other females. They develop a very strong preference for the partner and slight aggression towards those who are not their partners, he says. The fact that these biases are only seen in men when under the influence of extinction ? not placebo ? may even hold lessons for those who want to stay faithful. Think about when extinction is released, says Herculean, noting that this occurs during kissing, hugging, orgasm and other intimate moments. The more such moments you have, the more extinction is released in the body. And, says Young, if you combine this with other rewarding experiences that also get the reward system going ? such as doing new and challenging things together ? you can strengthen your connection to each other. Seems like extinction might be the perfect ingredient for a fragrance called Faithful. Peer Review Article NEUROSCIENCE The Promise and Perils of Extinction Is extinction the next revolution in psychiatric medicine?or an overjoyed hormone desperation of patients and families living with disruptive disorders day in, day out. From bonding to bedside The hypothalamus, an evolutionarily ancient part of the mammalian brain, makes Kyoto- chin. Released into the bloodstream by the nearby pituitary gland, it signals the uterus to contract during childbirth and stimulates the release of milk for nursing. The hormone was the first peptide to be synthesized in the laboratory, a feat that earned American biochemist Vincent du Vignette the 1955 Nobel Prize in chemistry. Given the hormones known roles, researchers soon wondered whether it also played a role in reproductive behavior. In the late sass and early sass, work with rats and sheep found that extinction enhances mother-infant bonding. In the ass, Carter and others established its role in fostering pair bonding in prairie voles. Unlike most rodents, these furry inhabitants of the North American plains form lifelong bonds and share the work of raising offspring (although trysts are not uncommon). In 2000, Larry Young and colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta reported that genetically engine- neared mice lacking extinction are unable to recognize other individuals, pointing to an even broader role for the hormone in Monroe- productive social behavior. Although much of this work has been written into textbooks, the more recent ox- tocsin research in humans has frequently found its way into tabloids. In one of the first eye-catching studies, neurotransmitters Ernst Fear of the University of Zurich in Sit- garland and colleagues gave extinction nasal spray or a saline spray placebo to university students before a game in which they had to decide how much money to entrust to a stranger. (The more money a player entrusts, the larger the potential gains and potential losses. ) Those who got extinction were more trusting, the researchers reported in Nature in 2005. A torrent of studies followed, sue- getting that extinction not only increases trust and cooperation, but also boosts social per- captivities, such as face recognition and the ability to read whats on someones mind from the look in their eyes. Few substances produced by the human body have inspired as much hoopla as extinction. Recent newspaper articles have credited this hormone with promoting the kind of team- work that wins World Cup soccer champion- ships and suggested that supplements of the peptide could have prevented the dalliances and subsequent downfall of a certain high- ranking U. S intelligence official. Although the breathless media coverage often goes too far, it reflects a genuine and infectious excitement among many scientists about the hormones role in social behavior. First stud- led by biologists for its role in childbirth and lactation, extinction has more recently cap- titivated neuroscience and psychologists who have found that it can promote trust and cooperation and make people more attuned to social cues. Now psychiatrists have caught Kyoto- chin fever. Dozens of clinical trials are under way, or will be soon, to investigate the horn- ones potential benefits for a wide range of psychiatric disorders. The interest isnt hard to understand. Many psychiatric con- editions have social symptoms, such as the characteristic lack of empathy in autism, the attachment anxiety of borderline personality disorder, and the paranoia of schizophrenia. Yet no drugs currently approved for psychiatry- rice use directly target social behavior. For autism in particular, hopes for Kyoto- chin run high. A large trial of the hormone on 300 affected parents of autistic children have persuaded physicians to prescribe Kyoto- chin nasal spray, which can be obtained from compounding pharmacies. At first glance, extinction might seem like just what the doctor should be ordering. But as researchers have continued to explore the hormones effect on human behavior, a darker side has emerged. Extinction seems to promote aggression or other antisocial behavior in some circumstances. Its effects also appear to vary depending on a persons genetic makeup and psychological status. And no one knows what long-term Kyoto- chin treatment does to the developing human brain. Disconcertingly, one recent study found that male voles treated for several weeks with extinction nasal spray around the time of adolescence later exhibited impaired social bonding with females. The more we know, the more complicated its getting, says Sue Carter, a behavioral neuroscience- monologist and a pioneer of research on ox- tocsins role in social behavior now based at ART International in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. What worries me, and should worry others, is that so much of the basic background is missing ?SUE CARTER, ART INTERNATIONAL Carter is particularly worried about giving extinction to children before more is known about the hormones developmental effects. l think there probably is a place for Kyoto- chin in several aspects of medicine, she says. But what worries me, and should worry tooth- errs, is that so much of the basic background is missing. At the same time, those leading the trio- alas say that the scientific rationale for using extinction is already strong enough, especially given the lack of better options. This could be the first drug to address the core sump- toms of autism, says Geraldine Dawson, a opalescent and child clinical psychology- gist and chief science officer of Autism Speaks, which has funded some of the early pilot studies. These findings quickly led to speculation about clinical applications. The f iris pub- listed study in which extinction was given to autistic children appeared online in Biology- cal Psychiatry in late 2009. In an experiment conducted by Adam Estella, a clinical psychologist at the University of Sydney in Australia, and colleagues, 16 autistic boys between 12 and 19 years old received a sin- glee dose of extinction nasal spray or a placebo in one session, and the alternative in another. Neither the boys nor the researchers evaluate- inning them knew which time they gotten the hormone. ) On extinction, the boys performed better on a common test of social cognition that involves looking at photographs of faces cropped to show Just the eyes and report- inning what emotion the person is most likely experiencing. The improvement was modest: from about 45% to 49% correct on average. People without autism typically get more than 70% correct. Studies in adults with autism have also demonstrated improvements on standard lab tests of social cognition. But the vast majority of published work on extinction to date as looked at the effects of a single dose over the course of an hour or so in the lab. The real question is whether the hormone can restore normal behavior in real life. To find out, Estella and others are conducting trials in which people with autism take daily sniffs of extinction for seven- real weeks or months. These pilot studies are in various stages and several researchers told Science that its too soon to talk about the findings in detail. Interesting things are coming out of these studies, Estella says makes us think this is a cure for autism. get under way this spring should help clarify things. It will be led y psychiatrist Linear Sickish at the University of North Car- Olin (UNC), Chapel Hill, who A far larger trial scheduled to received a $12. 6 million Autism Centers of Excellence grant from the National Institutes of Health in September for this trial. Her team plans to enroll 300 autistic children between the ages of 3 and 17, half of whom will receive extinction nasal spray twice daily for 6 months in a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, and all of whom will receive the hormone for 6 months in a subsequent open-label extent- Soon of the trial. Researchers will look for any adverse side effects and monitor the kids with arioso checklist measures of social behavior filled out by a clinician or parent. Autism is hardly the only disease being investigated. Out of 44 neuropsychiatry trio- alas of extinction listed on ecclesiastical. Ova, roughly three-quarters are for other disorders. Pilot studies in people with schizophrenia, who often suffer from paranoia and difficulty reading social cues, suggest that extinction can reduce psychotic symptoms and improve social cognition. The benefits are modest, but encouraging, says Court Petersen, a psychic- trust and behavioral neurologists at UNC Chapel Hill. Ephedrines work in the sass established the role of extinction in mother-infant bond- inning, but more recently his interest has turned to the hormones clinical potential. One of the real deficits in psychiatry research is a complete lack of appreciation of evolution, Petersen says. The human brain evolved to evaluate and maneuver in very complex social environments. Petersen argues that the role of the brains social circuitry in sys- psychopathology is too often ignored. And thats what makes extinction so exciting in his view. One of the really cool things about extinction is that it probably plays a central role in the social brain, he says. Lee published study on the long- term behave- oral effects of multiple doses of extinction in developing animals. It seemed to me that we were really skipping a step. From work she did as a postdoctoral feel- low with Carter, Bales knew that even a sin- glee dose of extinction can have long-lasting effects. In a series of studies published in the sass, they found that p rairie vole pups treated with extinction on the day of birth exhibited abnormal pair bonding and parental behavior as adults. The effects were messy? treated animals grew up to be more social or less social than normal, depending on their sex and the dose they received. The clearest message was that any exposure to extinction can cause long-term behavioral and neuron- endocrine effects, Bales says. In one study, Bales found that males given a single dose of extinction at birth had reproductive difficulties as adults: They deposited sperm in the female reproductive tract in only 50% of mating attempts, for example. More recently, Bales and colleagues tried to better mimic the type of extinction treat- meet now in clinical trials for autism, giving young prairie voles daily squirts of extinction in the nose for 3 weeks. In developmental terms, Bales says that the voles were roughly equivalent to 12- to 7-year-old children, the target group for several trials. In the short term, extinction made the voles more social, as expected: After a dose, they spent more time in close cognitions with their partners, the research- errs reported online on 15 October 2012 in Biological Psychiatry. The standard test of pair bonding in voles, Bales explains, is to put a male in an empty chamber connected to two other chambers: one containing his mate, and another con- tanning an unfamiliar female. A normal male prairie vole will run around and check every- thing out and then go hang out with his part- near, Bales says. But males that had gotten a daily dose of extinction comparable to that being given to autistic children?or an even lower dose?were more likely to spurn their partner in favor of the stranger. To Bales, the findings raise the troubling possibility that repeated use of extinction nasal spray may cause long-term changes in the brain that negate or even reverse the hormones been- fits, perhaps by tricking the brain into making less extinction of its own. Other signs that theres more to extinction than cuddles and hugs have emerged from human experiments. In 2010, psychologist Scarcest De Drew and colleagues at the Nun- varsity of Amsterdam gave extinction nasal Caring family. Prairie vole parents share the work of raising offspring, but a recent study suggests long-term extinction treatment can disrupt bonding between partners. Cause for concern The explosion of clinical trials with Kyoto- chin, particularly those in children, troubles Karen Bales, a behavioral neuroscience at the University of California, Davis. Theres been this quick leap from looking at a sin- glee dose of extinction in healthy adults to try- inning to give it to children with autism whose brains are still developing, she says. Bales says that she looked and couldnt find a sin- 268 18 JANUARY 2013 VOLE 339 SCIENCE www. Sustenance. Org published by AAAS CREDIT: KAREN BALES/UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Downloaded from wry. Science. Org on January 18, 2013 spray to men before they played a computer game in which small teams competed for money. Compared with men who got a saline spray, those who sniffed extinction behaved more altruistically to members of their own team?but at the same time, they were more likely to preemptively punish competitors, the team reported in Science. In a 2011 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, De Dress team found that ox- tocsin increased favoritism toward subjects own ethnic roof (native Dutch men) on a series of tasks and thought experiments done on a computer, and in some situations the treated men exhibited more prejudice against other groups (Germans and Middle Eastern- errs, in this case). To some researchers, this suggests that extinction is a double-edged sword: pro- noting bonds with familiar individuals, but promoting unfriendly behavior toward strangers. In the beginning, everyone thought it would have very robust pros- Cal effects, but it seems to depend on how you interpret the term proboscis, says ReneĆ © Herculean, a psychiatrist at the University of Bonn in Germany. In a study published on 14 November 2012 in The Journal of Neuroscience, his team reported that when men who reported being in a stable hetero- sexual relationship took extinction, they put a bit more distance between thems elves and an attractive female experimenter who entered the room. To Herculean, these find- inns, like De Dress, suggest that extinction promotes bonding within an established pair (or group) at the expense of outsiders. That makes sense from an evolutionary Perspex- dive, he says, but may not with psychiatric disk- orders, Herculean cautions that it might not have the same benefits for all patients. An illustration of Just that comes from work by Jennifer Bart, a social psychology- gist at McGill University in Montreal, Can- dad. Encouraged by the reports that extinction increases trust, Bart thought it might help people with borderline personality disorder (BAD), who are plagued by fears of ban- oddment and separation, and have profound difficulties with relationships as a result. But when she and colleagues gave a single dose of extinction nasal spray to people with BAD, they became less trusting and less likely to cooperate with a partner in a social dilemma game, the researchers reported in 2011 in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. This effect was strongest in those with BAD who scored highest on self-report measures of relationship anxiety and fear of rejection. Social studies. New clinical trials seek to determine if extinction can boost social behavior in children with autism. One possibility, Bart says, is that ox- tocsin increases the desire to connect and heightens attention to social cues. That may backfire in people with BAD, who are already hypertensive and anxious in social situations. The picture thats now emerging is that its not this global social panacea, Bart says. In many cases it upends on the situation in which its given or the person to whom its given. A risk worth taking? Going forward, the success or failure of extinction as a psychiatric drug may hinge on figuring out which disorders and which people respond positively to the hormone? theres evidence that people with variants of the extinction receptor gene respond differ- entry?and in what context. In my view, the best bene fit from stimulating the ox- tocsin system is going to be to combine it with a controlled behavioral therapy, Memo- rays Young says. He believes that extinctions main effect is to make people more insensitive to social cues. In a therapists office, chill- drew could be assured of receiving positive, reinforcing social cues while under the horn- ones sway. Not so if they simply take the hormone and went about their day. Say you give it to a kid and then he goes to school and gets bullied. Thats not going to have a positive impact, and it may even make things worse, Young says. A better handle on the basic biology of intranasal extinction, such as how it enters the brain and which receptors it hits, might enable researchers to develop more effect- dive drugs, Young adds. If we want to eve beyond this initial investigatory era and get more sophisticated and potent effects, we need to understand the mechanisms. Despite the unknowns, Sickish and others insist that the clinical trials are Justified. A lot of people in this country, probably a few thousand, are going to compounding par- masses and having them put together prep- rations of extinction, Sickish says. We feel like its really important, for something thats being used in this unregulated way, to get some data on how safe it is and figure out does it work or does it not work. For Dawson, the lack of better options is a powerful motivator. Only two drugs are cur- rental approved for autism, she notes: Both are an tispasmodic medications prescribed to cut down on tantrums, aggression, and self- injury. These drugs dont directly address the social deficits at the core of the discord- deer, and they have potentially dangerous side effects, not to mention unknown effects on brain development. Behavioral interventions such as the Early Start Denver Model, which Dawson co-developed, have proven success- intensive one-on-one therapy and can cost $25,000 to $50,000 a year. In contrast, a years supply of extinction, which is currently only available in a proprietary synthetic erosion, costs roughly $5000. And it could get much cheaper if a generic version becomes available. Among parents of autistic kids, theres long been a willingness to try experimental treatments, even before theyre fully vetted by researchers, Estella says. A driving factor, he says, is frustration that science has let them down by moving too slowly. At the same time, researchers such as Carter and Bales hope that science wont let these families down again by rushing too quickly into clinical trials with a hormone whose effects arent adequately understood.
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